Danish representation in IEA Bioenergy Programme Task - 38. Greenhouse gas balances of biomass and bioenergy systems

Afdelingen for Skovdrift

The main objectives of IEA Task 38 Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems are to calculate, analyse and assess the effects and impacts on greenhouse gas emissions of (1) substitution of fossil fuels with biomass, (2) carbon sequestration in vegetation and soil and (3) carbon sequestration in wood based products - and make cost/benefit analyses on the alternative methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Project description

From a Danish perspective, the main objectives are to (1) gather information and new scientific knowledge, process this knowledge to Danish conditions (2) disseminate the results of how to reduce greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere to relevant authorities, research communities and industry, and (3) present the Danish research results and 'know how' on the same issues through journal papers, presentations and personal networks in international fora

Key figures

2001 - 2004
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.05 mio. DKK
0.30 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
86 %
Project budget:
0.35 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Dansk deltagelse: IEA Bioenergy Programme Task - 38. Greenhouse gas balances of biomass and bioenergy systems
Bio and waste
Project type
Case no.


Forskningscentret for Skov og Landskab (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Heding, Niels
Comtact information
Forskningscenter for Skov og Landskab. Afdelingen for Skovdrift
Hørsholm Kongevej 11
DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark
Heding, Niels , 45763200, nih@fsl.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Johaneum Research (AT); State Forest NSW (AU); Domtar (CA); Ekonerg (HR); VTT-Energi (FI); Forest Research (NZ); Landbohøjskolen (NO); Lund Universitet (SE); NOVEM (NL); Utrecht Universitet (NL); Forestry Commission (GB); National Renewable Energy Laboratory (US); OAK Ridge National Laboratory (US)