Long-term scenarios for global energy supply

The scenario method is used to investigate energy demand and supply systems for the 21. century.

Project description

One motivation for this work is the Second Assessment Report of the UN Intergovernmental Climate Panel (suggesting the need for detailed energy scenarios for the 21st century, without significant carbon dioxide emissions). The lead author has been engaged in the IPPC work and a number of other precursor studies, investigating such energy scenarios on various levels and for various geographical regions (Danish Technology Council 1994, IEA Climate Programme 1995, and a EC APAS project 1996). The current project aims at investigating the detailed supply-demand matching in systems with fluctuating energy sources, as well as barriers to implementing energy systems substantially different from the current one (technological, economic and social factors). The demand analysis assumes that, except for certain buildings, all energy using equipment has been replaced at least once between now and the scenario year. This enables us to make assumptions on higher technological efficiency and on market choices based upon 'fair prices', i.e. prices including all social and environmental costs but excluding taxes that are not externality-related. Demand will be assessed glabally, by taking into account regional differences in development and climatic conditions. On the supply side, four basic scenarios are considered: 1) Clean fossil fuels, i.e. either gasified fuels such as hydrogen or fuels burned with carbon dioxide sequestration (and subsequent storage). 2) Safe nuclear energy, i.e.technologies free from potential diversion of weapon grade material, inherently safe against accidents with major radioactivity releases, and not entailing long-term custody of radioactive material. 3) Decentralised use of renewable energy, e.g. using solar panels integrated into rooftops or building facades, dispersed with turbines, and technologies based on integrated food and bioenergy production, as well as dedicated energy crops in suitable locations. 4) Centralized use of renewable energy, such as solar cell and wind farms placed on marginal land or off-shore, and requiring intercontinal energy transmission. In combining supply and demand structures, novel conversion technologies believed to become avaliable within the time horizon considered will be incorporated, e.g. reversible fuel cells of various sizes (down to units applicable to individual buildings or vehicles for the transportation sector). The base scenarios may become the basis for informed energy planning debate, also if the political implementations are likely to involve combinations of the 'pure' scenarios


A geographical information system (GIS) is employed to asses the spatial match between supply and demand, and the robustness of the scenario against changes in assumptions is discussed, for scenarious using fossil fuels without carbon dioxide emissions, nuclear fuels with reduced accident and proliferation risks, and renewable energy from local and from more centralised installations. The year 2050 demand scenario is based on a high goal satisfaction in all regions of the world, for the middle UN population projection. All energy efficiency measures that are technically ready and economic today are assumed in effect by year 2050. An increased fraction of total activities are assumed to occur in non-material sectors. Results are presented as average energy flows per unit of land area. This geographically based presentation method gives additional insights, particularly for the dispersed renewable energy systems, but in all cases it allows to identify the need for energy transmission and trade between regions. The scenarios are examples of greenhouse mitigation scenarios, all characterised by near-zero emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. All are more expensive than the present system, but only if the cost of the negative impacts from the current system is neglected. As options for global energy policy during the next decades, the clean fossil and the renewable energy options (possibly in combination) are the only realistic ones, because the safe nuclear option requires research and development that most likely will take longer time, if it can at all be carried through successfully

Key figures

1996 - 1998
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.00 mio. DKK
0.68 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
100 %
Project budget:
0.68 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Undersøgelser af udviklinger i energiefterspørgsel samt forsyningsalternativer på lang sigt
Project type
Case no.


Roskilde Universitet (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Sørensen, Bent
Comtact information
Roskilde Universitetscenter. Institut for Studiet af Matematik og Fysik samt deres funktioner i Undervisning, Forskning og anvendelse (IMFUFA)
Postboks 260
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Sørensen, Bent (prof.), 46757711, ruc-bent@fatou.ruc.dk
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