Extension of IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Task 20. Participation in Subtask F - phase 2

Early 1997, the Executive Committee of IEA SH and CP approved a 2 year extension of Task 20 'Solar Energy in Building Renovation'. The aim of this extension was to develop strategies for an effective and feasible integration of widely applicable solar technologies and concepts in connection to the building renovation process.

Project description

Subtask F - Improvement of Solar Renovation Concepts and Systems. Improvement of existing systems for building renovation based on simulations from previous Subtask B and the practical experiences from previous Subtask C. Combination of solar and non-solar based technologies to increase the utilization of solar energy. Evaluation and modification of advanced concepts from Subtask B in order to be able to use the technologies in other countries and climates. The research and development will cover energy as well as constructural aspects. A close cooperation with industrial partners to solve problems relating the industrial production of the developed conceps will be a part of the project. Furthermore, essential non-technical obstacles will be identified and proposals for solutions will be given


The project was based on the results from previous Task 20 activities. In the project, focus was put on implementation of solar solutions for space and domestic hot water heating in existing buildings. The purpose of the Danish participation was to participate in the development of the latest energy saving building renovation technologies and to make the results match Danish conditions. The extension of Task 20 consisted of Subtasks: 'E - Evaluation of Demonstration Projects. 'F - Improvement of Solar Renovation Concepts and Systems', 'G - Dissemination of Results. Phase 2 of Subtask F (which is an continuation of phase 1) included: Improvement of existing systems for renovation based on the calculations from Subtask B and the experience's from implementation in Subtask C; Combination of solar and non solar based technologies to increase the use of solar energy; Evaluation and modification of advanced concepts from Subtask B. The research activities has covered energy related aspects as well as construction related aspects. The Danish activities has focussed on R and D within 3 areas: 'Innovative renovation of multi storey buildings - Advanced glazed balconies with ventilated solar walls for preheating ventilation air', 'Flexible Facades - Development of a flexible system for solar based renovation of facades'. 'Prism - Improved daylight conditions in old multi storey buildings'. The results from the research activities have been a valuable base for the detailed planning activities in three different building renovation projects focussing on solar energy in building renovation. Furthermore, the Danish activities has included participation in discussions, evaluations and improvements of concepts developed by the other Task 20 participants: Glazed balconies, Solar wall heating with transparent insulation (TI), Solar thermal collectors, Air collector systems, Improved use of daylight

Key figures

1998 - 2000
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.02 mio. DKK
0.16 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
88 %
Project budget:
0.18 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Forlængelse af IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Task 20. Deltagelse i Subtask F - fase 2
Energy efficiency
Project type
Case no.


Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Bruun Jørgensen, Olaf
Comtact information
Esbensen Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S
Vesterbrogade 124 B
DK-1620 København V, Denmark
Bruun Jørgensen, Olaf (civ.ing.), 45834224, o.b.joergensen@esbensen.dk
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