Simple models of district heating systems for load mangement and operational optimization

Institut for Mekanik Energi og Konstruktion

The goal has been to further develop and test simple models of district heating systems for simulation and operational optimisation, and to investigate the significance of the load distribution (both geographically and in time) on the total operational costs.

Project description

The goal is to further develop and test simple models of district heating systems for simulation and operational optimization, and to investigate the significance of the load distribution on the total operational costs. The influence of the load distribution both geographically and in time (load management) will be investigated. As one of the few district heating (DH) systems in Denmark, Ishoej Varmevaerk can supply data from a complete DH system, i.e. the DH production plant and all consumers (heat exchangers). This is thus a very unique data set. For a typical Danish DH system, information on the instantaneous heat demand in the buildings is not available and in a recent research project (EFP 96) the heat load was distributed on the connected buildings according to their measured annual heat consumption. By utilising the measurements from the Ishoej DH system it will be possible to make simulations with the instantaneous heat demand as well as with the previously described method based on the annual heat consumption. The DH system in Ishoej also makes it possible to investigate how much the operational costs can be reduced by levelling the heat load from the buildings. In order to carry out this part of the investigation simple models of the heat demand in the buildings will be made as well as models for the cooling in the buildings' radiator systems. Taking into account the time delays in the DH system, a method will be developed which can be used to control the heat loads in the connected buildings as seen from the DH plant. In this way the heat load at the DH plant will be levelled as much as possible and the costs of using peak load production will be reduced. This project will be co-ordinated with the on-going IEA Annex VI- project 'Simple models for operational optimization', Contract no. 99/E0783/524110/0010


Main conclusions: To reduce the simulation time, aggregated models of the network and consumers are an attractive alternative to a full description of the DH system. In this work the thermal aggregated model developed in 1999 has been further validated on new DH systems and on large data sets. Moreover, a new aggregated model for pressure losses has been developed in the present project. For both the thermal and the pressure aggregated models we found that the number of pipes and consumers tan be reduced to three to five pipes without seriously affecting the accuracy of the simulation. In an online application, the uncertainty associated with the weather and heat load forecasts is expected to be much greater than the inaccuracy from aggregation of the DH system. The optimum temperature level is specific for each and every DH system. For DH systems with high line heat demands and low fuel/electricity cost ratio like in Ishoej and Roedovre R01 Madumvej, the optimum temperature level is high (90-105 deg. C in the winter period). For DH systems with large heat losses (in percentage) the temperature level is lower. Operational optimisation of DH systems is expected to be more complicated in the future, not only for togeneration plants but also with respect to heat production only. Emission taxes (C02) and variable gas and electricity prices need to be taking into account to find an optimum solution. The incentive tariff between VEKS and the distribution companies applies. An incentive for daily load variations and the return temperature level at the substation must be taken into account. This incentive has a big influence on the optimum supply temperature curve. Demand Side Management should be taken into account to find the optimum temperature level. It has been documented in the report that DSM in Ishoej and Roedovre R01 Madumvej tan reduce the operational costs bv reducina the daily load variations

Key figures

2001 - 2004
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
1.99 mio. DKK
1.19 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
37 %
Project budget:
3.18 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Simple modeller for fjernvarmesystemer med henblik på belastningsudjævning og driftsoptimering
Project type
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)


Bøhm, Benny
Comtact information
MEK - Institut for Mekanik, Energi og Konstruktion (DTU)
Bygning 101 E
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Bøhm, Benny , 45254024,
Øvr. Partnere: Forskningscenter Risø. Afdelingen for Systemanalyse; Ishøj Varmeværk; Vestegnens Kraftvarmeværker I/S (VEKS); Danfoss A/S