Research into material technology for surface coatings of windmill wings 2003-2006 and development of test methods

The object of the research-project is to select which methods will give the best simulation of environmental influence in relation to the geographical placing of the mills, to be able to select what is important, when present-day materials are applied and to select quantitative methods. that can be used to scparate materials.

Project description

The aim of the project is to develop test methods to enable customers and windmill manufacturers to evaluate with certainty the lifetime of the wings. This is done by collecting and evaluating a series of test methods or combinations, which can describe the durability of windmill wings. They can be either existing standards and test methods. Where they are missing existing test methods for paint, plastic and such should be modified to adapt to windmill wings. In some instances it may be necessary to develop relevant tests, especially to be able to predict the consequences of mill structures in various environments. This can be obtained by working through the following list: 1. Combination test for accelerated natural and artificial test for weather constancy including testing in practice. 2. Blister resistance (humidity) with cyclic temperature oscillation and water absorption. 3. UV resistance, maybe combined with water and temperature influence. 4. Wear constancy for sand, for instance salt, sea fog, insects and sand/soil/fertilizer (everything from the finest desert sand and to small stones). 5. Chemical resistance. 6. Water absorption and water absorption dynamics (diffusion coefficients) The final aim is to develop standardised/accepted methods for testing and evaluation of surface coatings including: 1) Test method or standard for measuring diffusion coefficients for water. How to test the surface layer of the gel coating. 2) Manufacture of test items meant for testing and comparison of surface characteristics. 3) Combinations of dynamic/mechanical influence


The types of exposure which are estimated to be decisive are : UV, humidity, temperature, chemicaltest, weartest and combinations of different exposures. In co-operation with the industry 15 different testmethods have been selected, tested and valuated. 4 different testmaterials and also an alternative testmaterial have been tested. Method-description and experimental-instructions have been elaborated. Futhermore there has been worked at a weatheratlas. The project has been carried through in 16 working-meetings with participants from: LM Glasfiber A/S, Forskningscenter Risø, Esbjerg Tekniske Institut, Aalborg Universitet, FORCE Technology, HIH Vind and Dansk Vindmølleforening. The synergi-effect between the different co-operate partners has been unique and contributed to a high professional knowledge: chemical, physical, mechanical and experimental. The project started with pre-experiments, where testmaterials were selected, which made clear what the esperiments showed and which showed the result of the effect of the different materials. There have been developed and tested testmethods, which in combination can predict lifetime of surfaces. There have been developed methods, that can be applied in different combinations to tests of the qualities, which have significance for the lifetime of the surface of the blades. Using of these tests is making it possible to valuate windmills qualitatively during their lifetime and with that secure a better energy-exploitation, because suitable materials can be selected on background of the tests

Key figures

2003 - 2006
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
2.31 mio. DKK
2.36 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
50 %
Project budget:
4.67 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Materialeteknologi til overfladebelægninger og udvikling af testmetoder for levetid på belægninger 2002-2006
Case no.


Force Technology (Main Responsible)


Damgaard, Susanne
Comtact information
FORCE Teknology. Afd. for System- og Ledelsesudvikling
Navervej 1
DK-6600 Vejen, Denmark
Damgaard, Susanne , 76961600,
Øvr. Partnere: Aalborg Universitet Esbjerg; HIH Vind; Forskningscenter Risø; Danmarks Vindmølleforening