Danish participation in IEA, ECBCS, annex 41, Hygrothermal performance of whole buildings

The project supported active Danish participation in IEA ECBCS, Annex 41, focusing on the hydrothermal performance of buildings.

Project description

The project constitutes the Danish participation in the International Energy Agency's project 'Whole Buildings Heat, Air and Moisture Response', which is Annex 41 within the programme 'Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems'. The research results of the Annex shall be made available for the Danish building sector through implementation in the calculation tool BSim from the Danish Building Research Institute. The objective is to establish knowledge about the building physical conditions which, on the one hand are needed to ensure good indoor climatic conditions in buildings, and on the other hand are the reason for significant energy consumptions for heating, ventilation and cooling. The conditions are the result of interactions between the indoor air, materials in the building enclosure and indoor furnishing, the use of the building, ventilation, and the influence of the outdoor climate. The Annex will further the development of calculation tools which take all relevant building physical processes into account and thus facilitate the design of energy efficient, durable buildings with a good indoor climate. The Annex has four subtasks: Subtask 1: Modeling principles and common exercises. Subtask 2: Experimental Investigations. Subtask 3: Boundary Conditions. Subtask 4: Long Term Performance and technology transfer. Together with INSA-LYON, France, BYG/DTU is responsible for the leadership of Subtask 1


Within the framework of this international project, humidity models developed by the Technical University of Denmark were implemented into the Danish Building Research Institute’s BSim program. Consequently, it is possible to simulate how hydrothermal performance of indoor climate links to the building envelope, the use of the building and its installations. Bsim was also used to calculate performance in buildings with humidity-controlled ventilation. The Technical University of Denmark participated in all joint exercises under the Annex. A total of 39 research institutions from 19 countries participated in Annex 41.

Key figures

2004 - 2008
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
3.49 mio. DKK
0.69 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
16 %
Project budget:
4.18 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Dansk deltagelse i IEA, ECBCS, annex 41, Hygrothermal performance of whole buildings
Energy efficiency
Case no.


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
Aalborg Universitet (Fredrik Bajers Vej)


Rode, Carsten
Comtact information
Brovej, Bygning 118
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmnark
Rode, Carsten , 45251700, byg@byg.dtu.dk
Øvr. Partnere: Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut; Birch og Krogboe A/S