Testing of fuel cell processor with low-temperature PEM fuel cell

The purpose of the project is to further develop a Danish natural gas reformer system including optimisation of subsystems and the overall system consisting of a natural gas reformer and fuel cell CHP generator. This will contribute to the evaluation of to what extend Denmark shall develop small reformer units for PEM fuel Cells.

Project description

The objects of the project are the further development of a Danish-built Fuel Cell Processor and optimise part systems and the total system consisting of Fuel Cell Processor and Fuel Cell generator. The result of the project will expound applications and limitations of the Fuel Cell processor technology


In the project a reformer system with a high degree of automatic control has been build that fulfils the CHP requirements to operation time, dynamics etc. This work, with a FP05 reformer unit, has given valuable results concerning the possibilities and limitations of the reformer technology for CHP usage. It is important that the reformer and fuel cell units are designed with matching yields to optimise efficiency, turn-down start-up time etc. The burner that delivers heat for the steam reaction shall be able to use natural gas as fuel. This gives the possibility of using existing burner technology. In addition this will improve the efficiency since it will not be necessary to reform natural gas to feed the burner. The large number of BoP components in the FP05 unit is primarily used for achieving good regulation dynamics and accuracy. To reduce the number of components, a CHP unit with few or only one operational point should be considered. A single point of operation will reduce the number of valves as well as the requirements to the control and regulation of the system. A large part of the reformer size is needed to meet the high demands for CO purification of the reformat. This purification results in a very narrow window of operation for the reformer system. By using more CO tolerant fuel cells this part of the system can be reduced or even eliminated. To test the developed automatic control it was planned to integrate the FP05 reformer with a 10kW CHP unit that was being build by IRD in a separate project. This unit was perfect in size for testing with the reformer. However due to a number of reasons it was not possible during the project period to fully integrate the two units

Key figures

2005 - 2006
Funding year:
Own financial contribution:
0.48 mio. DKK
0.46 mio. DKK
Funding rate:
49 %
Project budget:
0.95 mio. DKK


Oprindelig title
Test af naturgasreformersystem med lavtemperatur PEM-brændselsceller
Brint and fuelcells
Case no.


IRD Fuel Cells A/S (Main Responsible)
Partners and economy
Partner Subsidy Auto financing
No entries available.


Bech-Madsen, Jesper
Comtact information
Kullinggade 31
DK-5700 Svendborg, Denmark
Bech-Madsen, Jesper , 62800008, ird@fuel-cell.dk
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